
CWRU HPC Frequently Used Commands

  • Start a job (switch from login-node hpcxx to computer-node comptxx or GPU-node gputxx)
  • Request GPU-nodes
    • To check the resource availability
    • To get information about GPU resources
        scontrol show node <gpu node>   # e.g. gput045
    • To request a GPU resource
        srun \
        -p gpu \        # change partition to gpu
        --gres=gpu:1 \  # request 1 GPU resource
        <other flags>
        --pty bash      # start an interactive job
  • Working with directory on CWRU HPC

    NOTE: We are supposed to store our large files in our gallina home. However, gallina home is not accessible in compute/gpu nodes.

  • Use pip install in HPC

    NOTE: Most of the time HPC will have the packages installed, we should be careful to avoid over-installing packages. If any package is not found, contact professor/mentor first, and then the support team.

      # check available versions
      module avail python/
      module spider python/
      # load specific version
      module load Python/3.11.3
      pip install --user <package-name>

LlamaIndex + RAG

Llama 2

  • Acquired License for Meta Llama 2 and 3
  • Attempted to run Llama 2 7B locally – failed due to lack of GPU

Other Messages From The Weekly Meeting

  • Priority: Focus on the generating side first, put off the evaluation side.
  • Finish something small but working first, add functionalities step by step.
  • Possible roadmap regarding generating frame blending examples:
    • Run llama 2 with prompting
    • Run llama 2 with prompting and RAG on FrameNet dataset
    • Apply agents
    • Fine-tuning llama 2 with FrameNet dataset
    • … (maybe)

To-do List For Next Week

Red Hen Meeting - Jun 5

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