- Studied CWRU HPC Orientation, including:
- graphical access
- work nodes requesting
- job scheduling and submitting
- etc.
- Got familiar with FrameNet dataset, including:
- FrameNet online dataset
- local dataset stored on HPC
- /mnt/rds/redhen/gallina/projects/ChattyAI/FramesConstructions/fndata-1.7
- Learned about available open-source LLM models, including:
- Started thinking about fine-tuning methods and RAG
Other Messages From The Weekly Meeting
- Before working onto something bigger, finish something smaller but works. Make every step steady so as to build a successful project.
- FrameNet is limited (e.g. no frames examples for tourism),
- What would be the proportion of fine-tuning and RAG?
- How to build the evaluation matrix / how to assess the accuracy of the generated result?
- How to build the system so that it doesn’t just randomly throw 2 frames together in a terrible way that everyone would think it is a disaster?