The meeting was postponed by two days due to personal reasons.


Implemented Evaluation data service

  • Basic CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete).
  • Used JSON-format file storage, following the schema from last week.
  • Created tests for every operation.
  • Integrated evaluation window and rankings/notes inputting into the workflow.
    • Ranking 0-10 for evaluation matrix
    • Text input for additional notes

Finished The Whole Workflow

Here is the whole workflow demo video.

If the video doesn’t play, please try this link:

Other Messages From The Weekly Meeting

  • Consider containerizing the frame blender system for better portability.
  • Two main work to make the system doing more frame blending work instead of frame combination or something else.

To-do List For Next Week

  • Create a file in home directory on case HPC with detailed commands for running the frame blender system.
  • Prepare for the final evaluation by ensuring all required information (e.g., code URL) is ready for submission to Google.

Red Hen Meeting - Aug 16


Guidance to run Frame Blender on CWRU HPC

If the video doesn’t play, please try this link:

Commands used to enter Frame Blender

# Entering Gallina home where all the codes and data are stored
# Evaluation data is store as `evaluation.json` at `./data/evaluation.json`
cd /mnt/rds/redhen/gallina/home/zxc808/gsoc2024-frame-blending

# Entering automated shell scripts' directory
cd shell_scripts

# Check repository update from git and copy `data/` to tmp work space in scratch/

# Request GPU node

# When allocated resource and entered bash environment in GPU node, 
# you should be already at the tmp workspace, which is /scratch/users/zxc808/gsoc2024-frame-blending
# Run Frame Blender
./frame_blender --encoding=ascii

Key bindings in Frame Blender

When in Frame Blender interface:

  • Esc: Quit
  • Tab: Move to next window
  • +/-: Add/Remove input window
  • In Settings window:
    • Arrow keys: Switch settings and change setting
  • In Input window:
    • Enter characters in Input windows and get search result automatically in Hierarchy window when available
    • Enter: Enter Hierarchy window
    • Backspace: Cancel confirmed frame
  • In Hierarchy window:
    • Backspace: Quit Hierarchy window
    • Arrow keys: Switch different frames/frame relations
    • Enter: Confirm word
  • When needed frames are all confirmed:
    • /: Start generating result
    • Tab: Switch to Evaluation window
    • Arrow keys/Text input: Enter evaluation
    • Enter: Submit evaluation form (stored to /data/evaluation.json)

Updating the data to Gallina home

After submitting the evaluation form, the data has been stored in evaluation.json file in tmp workspace. We will need to update the file to Gallina home:

  • Press Esc to quit Frame Blender
  • Use exit to exit GPU node
  • Under the shell_scripts, use:

Any problems

If you find any problems or bugs when you are following this guidance, please contact me at

Have fun when playing with it!

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