
Comparison among zero-shot, one-shot, few-shot and Chain of Thought (CoT)

Basic Prompt (zero-shot prompt): Explain how the “Revenge” frame inherits from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame. Create a frame blending example demonstrating this relationship.

See full prompts and responses here.

I chose some dimensions to briefly evaluate the generating results mentioned above. They are quite corresponding to expectations:

  • CoT: Best for comprehensive and detailed explanations, ensuring all steps are thoroughly addressed.
  • Zero-shot: Quick and basic response, suitable for simple queries but may lack depth.
  • One-shot: Good balance between detail and clarity, with specific examples enhancing understanding.
  • Few-shot: Provides depth with multiple examples, ideal for complex tasks requiring detailed scenarios.
  Completeness Clarity Relevance Depth of Understanding Coherence Execute Time
Zero-shot Low Low High Medium Medium Short
One-shot Medium High High Medium High Medium
Few-shot Medium High High Medium High Medium
CoT High High High High High Long

Specifying Rhetorical Device

Specifying rhetorical device such as Metaphor and Analogy when prompting LLMs to generate Frame Blending examples can have a great effect on getting stylished Frame Blending examples, even when using zero-shot prompting (referring to this example). It can also be an option for users when generating Frame Blending examples in the Frame Blending Generation System.

Frame Blending Generation System

I am contemplating a Frame Blending Generation System, which consists of two parts:

  1. Frame selection
  2. Frame bleding example generation

Here is the flow chart of the system.

The frame selection subsystem will:

  1. Ask the user to input two or more words.
  2. Find the nearest frame in the FrameNet dataset.
  3. Show the frame with its child node tree.
  4. Ask the user to input final frame selection.

After getting the frames to blend, the frame blending example generation subsystem will:

  1. Get option input from user about whether to use zero/one/few-shot or CoT prompting.
  2. Use prompt template and feed into LLM.
  3. Get output of Frame Blending examples and analysis.

To-do List For Next Week

  • Work on the frame blending generation system workflow.
  • Develope framename replacing prompts
    • With/without examples from FrameNet data

Red Hen Meeting - Jul 17


Zero-shot vs One-shot vs Few-shot vs CoT



Explain how the “Revenge” frame inherits from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame. Create a frame blending example demonstrating this relationship.


The “Revenge” frame inherits from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame through the “Is Inherited by” relation. This means that the frame elements of “Revenge” can be related to the frame elements of “Rewards_and_punishments” through the specified relation.

In frame blending, we can combine the frame elements of two frames to create a new frame that inherits from both. In this case, we can blend the frame elements of “Revenge” with those of “Rewards_and_punishments” to create a new frame that inherits from both.

Here’s an example of a frame blending scenario that demonstrates the relationship between the two frames:

“The agent took revenge on the offender by imposing a penalty on them.”

In this example, the frame elements of “Revenge” (avenge, Avenger, injurious action, punishment) are blended with the frame elements of “Rewards_and_punishments” (reward, penalty, punish, Manner, Instrument, Purpose) to create a new frame that inherits from both. The resulting frame blend combines the concepts of revenge and reward/punishment, highlighting the idea that the agent’s action of taking revenge can be seen as a form of reward or punishment.

In this frame blend, the frame element of “Revenge” (avenge) is combined with the frame element of “Rewards_and_punishments” (reward) to create a new frame element (take revenge) that inherits from both frames. This new frame element can be used to express the idea of taking revenge as a form of reward or punishment, highlighting the complex and nuanced nature of revenge and reward/punishment in human relationships.



Explain how the “Revenge” frame inherits from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame. For example, the “Revenge” frame involves an Avenger and an Offender, where the Avenger seeks to punish the Offender for a perceived wrong. This is a specific instance of the broader “Rewards_and_punishments” frame, where actions lead to rewards or punishments. Develop a scenario demonstrating this relationship, including input space, cross-space mapping, blended space, and emergent structure.

For instance, consider a student who seeks revenge on a classmate by reporting them for cheating. The “Revenge” frame maps onto the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame as follows: the student (Avenger) maps to the Punisher, the classmate (Offender) maps to the Punished, and reporting (revenge act) maps to the punishment. This scenario blends personal motives with institutional consequences.


Thank you for providing additional context. Based on the new information provided, here is a refined answer to the query:

The “Revenge” frame inherits from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame through a process of cross-space mapping and emergent structure. In the “Revenge” frame, the Avenger (student) seeks to punish the Offender (classmate) for a perceived wrong, which is a specific instance of the broader “Rewards_and_punishments” frame. The act of reporting (revenge act) maps to the punishment in the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame, creating an emergent structure that blends personal motives with institutional consequences.

In the blended space, the “Revenge” frame operates within the larger framework of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame, leveraging the linguistic resources and conceptual structures of the latter to convey the specific instance of revenge. The emergent structure of the “Revenge” frame is shaped by the interactions between the Avenger’s personal motives and the institutional consequences of punishment, resulting in a unique and meaningful way of expressing revenge.

In the given context, the “Revenge” frame inherits from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame through the process of cross-space mapping and emergent structure, allowing the speaker to express the specific instance of revenge in a nuanced and context-specific manner.

Therefore, the “Revenge” frame inherits from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame through a process of cross-space mapping and emergent structure, resulting in a refined and context-specific way of expressing revenge.

I hope this refined answer meets your requirements. Please let me know if you have any further questions or concerns.



Explain how the “Revenge” frame inherits from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame. Create a frame blending example demonstrating this relationship. Here are a few examples to guide you:

  1. Example 1:
    • Revenge Frame: An employee sabotages a colleague’s work as revenge for a past grievance.
    • Rewards_and_punishments Frame: Workplace rules where actions (like sabotage) lead to consequences (punishment).
    • Blending: The employee (Avenger) maps to the Punisher, the colleague (Offender) maps to the Punished, and sabotage maps to the punishment.
  2. Example 2:
    • Revenge Frame: A person spreads rumors about a former friend who betrayed them.
    • Rewards_and_punishments Frame: Social dynamics where spreading rumors leads to social ostracism.
    • Blending: The person (Avenger) maps to the Punisher, the former friend (Offender) maps to the Punished, and rumor-spreading maps to the punishment.

Using these examples as a guide, please explain the inheritance relationship and create a new scenario demonstrating the frame blending.


Thank you for providing more context for the query. Based on the updated information, here’s a refined answer that better addresses the query:

The “Revenge” frame inherits from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame by adopting many of its components and modifying them to suit the specific context of revenge. The “Revenge” frame builds upon the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame’s concepts of an agent (punisher or rewarder), a target (evaluatee), and a reason for the action. However, the “Revenge” frame also introduces new components, such as the degree of revenge and the manner of revenge, which are not present in the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame.

In the given scenario, the employee (Avenger) seeks revenge against the colleague (Offender) for stealing their ideas and presenting them as their own. The employee maps to the Punisher in the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame, and the colleague maps to the Punished. The reason for the revenge is the colleague’s actions, which is consistent with the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame’s concept of a reason for the agent’s judgment.

The “Revenge” frame contributes the concept of degree of revenge, which in this scenario could be the extent to which the colleague’s ideas were stolen and presented as their own. The “Manner” component of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame could be used to describe how the employee seeks revenge, such as through sabotage or spreading rumors. Finally, the “Instrument” component of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame could be used to describe the means by which the employee seeks revenge, such as through their work or social connections.

In summary, the “Revenge” frame builds upon the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame’s concepts and introduces new components to suit the specific context of revenge. By blending the two frames, we can create a more comprehensive understanding of the revenge motivation and its relationship to the broader concept of rewards and punishments.

Thank you for providing additional context for the query. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can help with.

Chain of Thought (CoT)


Let’s break down the task into smaller, logical steps to ensure clarity and thoroughness.

  1. Define the “Revenge” frame.
  2. Define the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame.
  3. Explain how the “Revenge” frame derives its structure and elements from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame.
  4. Develop a scenario that demonstrates how the “Revenge” frame inherits and utilizes aspects of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame. Explain the input space, cross-space mapping, blended space, and emergent structure.

Please follow these steps to provide a detailed and clear explanation.


Great, let’s break down the task as you suggested.

  1. Define the “Revenge” frame: The “Revenge” frame is a linguistic frame that concerns the infliction of punishment in return for a wrong suffered. It is a type of revenge that is motivated by a desire for retribution or vengeance. The frame includes the following elements:
    • Frame name: Revenge
    • Frame definition: This frame concerns the infliction of punishment in return for a wrong suffered. An Avenger performs a Punishment on a Offender as a consequence of an earlier action by the Offender, the Injury. The Avenger inflicting the Punishment need not be the same as the Injured Party, but the Avenger does have to share the judgment that the Offender’s action was wrong.
    • Feature definitions:
    • Avenger: The Avenger exacts revenge from the Offender for the Injury.
    • Degree: This FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs.
    • Depictive: Depictive identifies a phrase describing the actor of an action.
    • Offender: The Offender has committed the earlier Injury for which the Avenger seeks revenge.
    • Instrument: This FE identifies the Instrument with which the revenge is performed.
    • Manner: This frame element refers to the Manner in which the Avenger exacts their revenge from the Offender.
    • Punishment: The Avenger carries out a Punishment in order to exact revenge on the Offender.
    • Place: This FE identifies the Place where the revenge occurs.
    • Purpose: This FE identifies the Purpose for which the revenge is performed.
    • Injury: The Injury is the injurious action committed by the Offender against the Injured Party. This Frame Element need not always be realized, although it is conceptually necessary.
  2. Define the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame: The “Rewards_and_punishments” frame is a broader frame that encompasses a wide range of linguistic phenomena related to rewards and punishments. It includes the following elements:
    • Frame name: Rewards_and_punishments
    • Frame definition: This frame concerns the distribution of rewards or punishments in response to an action or event. It includes the concept of retribution, where an individual or group seeks to inflict punishment on another for a wrong suffered.
    • Feature definitions:
    • Reward: This FE identifies a reward or positive outcome that is given in response to an action or event.
    • Punishment: This FE identifies a punishment or negative outcome that is inflicted in response to an action or event.
    • Retribution: This FE identifies the act of seeking to inflict punishment on another for a wrong suffered.
  3. Explain how the “Revenge” frame derives its structure and elements from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame: The “Revenge” frame inherits its structure and elements from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame. The “Revenge” frame is a specialized subframe of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame, which means that it shares many of the same features and elements as the broader frame. For example, the “Revenge” frame includes the features “Avenger” and “Offender”, which are also found in the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame. Additionally, the “Revenge” frame defines the concept of “Punishment”, which is also a key element of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame.
  4. Develop a scenario that demonstrates how the “Revenge” frame inherits and utilizes aspects of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame: Consider the following scenario:

Suppose that a group of people are attacked and injured by a rival group. The injured group seeks revenge against the rival group by attacking them and inflicting punishment. In this scenario, we can see how the “Revenge” frame inherits and utilizes aspects of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame. For example, the Avenger (the group seeking revenge) is motivated by a desire for retribution, which is a key element of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame. The Avenger also inflicts punishment on the Offender (the group that committed the injury), which is another key element of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame.

In this scenario, we can also see how the “Revenge” frame utilizes aspects of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame to structure the language used to describe the event. For example, we might use language like “the Avenger exacted revenge on the Offender” or “the Avenger inflicted punishment on the Offender”. This language draws on the features and elements of the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame to convey the idea of revenge and punishment.

In summary, the “Revenge” frame inherits its structure and elements from the “Rewards_and_punishments” frame, and utilizes aspects of the broader frame to structure the language used to describe revenge events.

Zero-shot Example, Specifying Rhetorical Device


Create a frame blending example between “Political_locales” frame and “Birth_scenario” frame. Prefer to use rhetorical devices such as Analogy and Metaphor.


Sure, I’d be happy to help! Here’s a frame blending example between “Political_locales” and “Birth_scenario”:

Imagine a political candidate, let’s call her Sarah, giving birth to a new policy. Just like how a mother goes through different stages of pregnancy, Sarah’s policy is going through various stages of development. At first, it’s just an idea, a tiny spark of potential, but as time goes on, it grows and evolves, much like a fetus.

Just as a mother’s body prepares for labor and delivery, Sarah’s policy is being fine-tuned and refined. The different stakeholders, like doctors and nurses, are like the various actors involved in the policy-making process. They all play a crucial role in ensuring that the policy is born healthy and strong.

But just as there are complications during childbirth, there are also challenges and obstacles that Sarah’s policy faces. Maybe there are disagreements among the stakeholders, or maybe there are external factors that threaten the policy’s viability. Just as a mother must summon all her strength and resilience to push through the birth canal, Sarah must use all her political savvy and negotiation skills to navigate these challenges and bring her policy to life.

And just as a newborn baby brings new hope and possibilities, Sarah’s policy has the potential to bring about positive change and improve the lives of many. Just as a mother nurtures and cares for her child, Sarah must be dedicated and committed to her policy, ensuring that it grows and thrives over time.

In this way, the frame blending between “Political_locales” and “Birth_scenario” highlights the parallel between the process of giving birth and the process of creating and implementing policies. Both involve careful preparation, collaboration, and resilience, and both have the potential to bring about positive change and improvement in people’s lives.

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